Church Planting Sunday with Brandon Glenn

Sunday, March 27, 2022, 10:15 AM - 12:00 PM

Brandon joins us as a Greenhouse resident at Iron Mill Church in Danville, preparing to "plant" a new congregation.  We celebrate the God of multiplication and add to Brandon's prayer support team.  Once the church building has been constructed, how do you go about constructing the heart and the soul of the church, the congregation? How do you reach out to the people in the local community to encourage them to be part of God’s family, and once you have established that, encourage the new church family to be fruitful and multiply, as God has called us to do? These are the questions that Brandon Glenn will answer. The church planting resident at Iron Mill Church in Danville, Brandon will share how to successfully plant and nurture thriving church families through looking learning, leading, and launching.  An informal presentation will be made over a continental breakfast provided for all by the Men's Community Group at 9 AM.  The service will be held at 10:15 in the sanctuary, followed by a freewill offering for Brandon's residency at Iron Mill Church.  After the service, feel free to enjoy a sub sandwich lunch in the church’s lobby for a freewill contribution.

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