

He called a little child to him, and placed the child among them.  And he said: “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever takes the lowly position of this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.  And whoever welcomes one such child in my name welcomes me.  Matthew 18:2-4 
Jesus said to welcome and pursue Him like children, whom He loves!  We offer one program per age group to join busy households in spiritual education, and to welcome new children and families to faith.  Our curriculum intentionally teaches children the Christ-centered biblical story.  


  • Nursery - Infant to 30 months (Nursery - Room 5) 
  • Children's Church - 31 months to 1st Grade - dismissed early in our worship service (Rooms 2 & 3)  
  • Listeners Club- 2nd to 5th Grade - Activities during  worship service (below)

Worship service

We build future worshippers by welcoming children to participate in our worship service as much as they are able! 

  • Activity bags designed to keep children engaged in worship.   
  • Junior Church is held during  the school year during Sunday messages thru 2nd Grade. 
  • Listeners Club questions for Grades 3 and up are also available during Sunday messages.  

All teachers and assistants are required to submit to a thorough background check

Children's Director - Austin Krotzer grew up in Wrightsville and teaches school during the week.  He lives in Hallam with his wife, Olga, and 2 children.  

Bible Adventure 

The Bible Adventure Program is a Pennsylvania state approved program which allows public school students to be dismissed from school for religious instruction.   Just a few of the proven benefits that it provides to students are:  Bible instruction, Bible memory work, Character instruction, Relationships and Learning skills.  The program is held on days when school is in session throughout the area.   Students must have parental permission to participate.   Wednesdays, 2-PM  Valley View Alliance Church for Kreutz Creek Elementary School students 

  • Check here for our list of schools where Bible Adventure/CIA for middle school students) is currently available. 
  • Click here to enroll your child. 

Bible Adventure is sponsored by JoyEl,  a non-denominational sponsoring ministry who recruits volunteers from area churches